Ameriplan $20 Dental

Friday, November 15, 2013

People Think working with Ameriplan is Too Good To Be True!

It's True!  People Think Our Company is Too Good To Be True!
Recent promotions within our team!

We received an email from Mary this morning asking...  
"Please tell me if your company is real and if people  are really making money. It just sounds too good to be true!"
Maybe you're wondering the same thing?  
I mean, it's true that when people look at our company, many think that our company is "too good to be true".   
I want to show you what happens when a  VISION takes on a life of it's own. And what happens when a team gets together and empowers and support each other to success.
Watch the video above and see how within one month we were able to promote people to new income and pin levels.  
For the past TEN years our team has seen so many team member's lives change.   
We have seen people with no special skills join us . Then we see that their visions start to expand.  And they start to dream again.
Single mom makes a 6-figure income at home simply with her phone and computer. This month she just got promoted to a Sr. Vice President with our company.
Previously high school drop out mom escapes her $11.00 a hour job and today she reached 25k in residual income.   
A grandma that also reached 25k in residual income this month, while spending plenty of time with her grandson.  
And Cathy Caneiro who is working outside her home and works her Ameriplan career in the evenings! This month, she also reached 25k in residual income.   
So the answer to Mary's question is-- Yes, people do make income with Ameriplan and yes we are as real as it gets.
Look: that's not a guarantee that you will make this income because we don't know your work ethics. However, we guarantee that when a vision catches  
fire there's nothing that can hold it down.  
Not the critics.  
Not the naysayers.  
Not even any obstacles or challenges.  
When people join our company, they see what is possible and what this company can do for them and their family.   
Here's what to expect once you join: 
  • No hype 
  • Real training (live calls, recorded calls, webinars, tools & system to help you succeed) 
  • Residual income (legacy income) 
  • Real service that people (we don't believe in lotions, potions, vitamins and juices)
If you've ever wanted to be part of a team that loves to help people win and that will support you and your dream...  
....then join us today.   
To read more about our career opportunity visit:  
You will be able to read why thousands are joining every single month and they are beginning to dream again :)  
p.s. If you wish to hear our live training calls, just dial this number. Be on the lines a few minute early (we ALWAYS pack out).  
Call this number at 9pm Central time : 
ACCESS CODE: 804576 
Date: Thursday night
Look forward to hearing from you!
To Your Freedom,
Amy Jacobs, National Trainer
Call or text me 815-341-2151

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