Ameriplan $20 Dental

Friday, November 22, 2013

Now is the time to Dive in with Ameriplan



It's Never Been A Better Time to JUMP!
At some point in the past you made the decision to start your career... Sort of.
For whatever reason, you came all the way to the edge of the pool, just to sit on the side with your toe in the water..
You've Been Staring At The Diving Board And Watching The People Who Dove In.

Maybe you've even been a little envious of the fun they seem to be having and the successes they're enjoying. You want so badly to have what they have... To do what they do...

You've read the testimonials about how AmeriPlan saves people thousands of dollars on their expenses each and every year.

You've reviewed the career overview page on over and over again, and thought, "I could totally do this!"

You've even watched the spot Good Morning America did about us and reviewed the Better Business Bureau's rating.
Everything was SO great, you ran to the edge of the pool...
You were ready to dive in and start building YOUR future...but then decided to just stick your toe in by requesting an interview. For one reason or another it was decided now isn't a good time. So you're still sitting on the edge, watching and waiting for the right time to JUMP

Maybe you waited because you wanted to be sure and get the best benefits package and the highest commission (80% upfront & 40% residual) that comes with having that package, but weren't quite ready to pay the $150 for your first month's membership fee. You know AmeriPlan will activate your plan the very first day, instead of waiting until the end of a probationary period of up to 6 months like most j.o.b.s, but that $150 can be tough to come up with.
Well, whatever your reason was for waiting for "someday," SOMEDAY is here!!
During the next few weeks, November 18th thru December 18th, you can add that highest paying package for just $30!

AND, your monthly payroll deduction will also be just $30/MO for your first 3 months! You'll still get the 80%/40% commission AND all the benefits for you and everyone in your household regardless of relationship or age from the very first day!
Now is the time to JUMP!
You've sat on the edge long enough! It's time to enjoy ALL AmeriPlan has to offer including that lifetime residual income you've been excited about since the beginning!
Visit:  for all the details on how to get started today:


As always I am here for your success ~
National Sales Director
Call Me@ Home 815-582-4759, Cell 815-341-2151 Text me with Questions :-)
Email Me@

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