Ameriplan $20 Dental

Friday, September 27, 2013

AmeriPlan® Benefits

Since 1992, AmeriPlan® members have saved hundreds of millions of dollars receiving discounted health care services using the AmeriPlan® provider network. Our network has tens of thousands of health care professionals across the country.
Dental Plus
AmeriPlan Healthcare
Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Care, all at significant savings!
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All the features of Dental Plus with Physician Care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy and AmeriDoc!
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Platinum Plus
Total Platinum
Platinum Plus can protect you and your family in a variety of ways and save you thousands of dollars a year on things you use most.
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All the features of Platinum Plus with complimentary Physician Care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy and AmeriDoc!
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Platinum FreedomPass
AmeriPlanMD Plus
Our most robust program includes Total Platinum and many extra features such as Grocery Coupons and the 24/7 AmeriDoc program.
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AmeriPlan MD Plus program gives you 24 Hour Access to a Doctor by phone or e-mail and immediate savings on Prescription.
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Review additional  Details from 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ameriplan Business faqs

Here are the top questions I am usually asked by someone interested in joining Ameriplan®.

Q) Is this a year-long contract, or can I quit any time? 
A) Your business is renewed on an annual basis. The cost to establish/maintain your business is $19.95/year. If you decide not to renew your business you can stop paying the yearly feel at any time. You can either write a letter, email, of fax Ameriplan® that you want to uit. I hope that you'll want to work and stay for 10 years but I understand the need to learn about your exit strategy with all the scams out there!

A) I'll be your personal mentor and will help you every step of the way, as much or as little as you would like. I recognize that everyone is different so you are able to dictate how much training we do together. We also have great team support with conference calls you can attend. So, you'll receive help from myself and an entire team of people dedicated to your success.
Q) Do I require a separate second telephone line when working from home with your company?
A) No. A professional outgoing message is nice. Example: Hi. You've reached the yourname household. No one is available to take your call. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. If this is in regards to Ameriplan® benefits or becoming a business owner with Ameriplan®, yourname will contact you back as soon as possible. Thank you. Actually, this is a true testimony that you do work from your home.

Q) Can I 'test it out' before I join?
A) You can attend every single training call we have before you join. Click here to view our training schedule. We want to work with you long term and if you require more knowledge before you start it's all there.
 Q) I have dial-up. Can I still do this business? A) Sure. I actually enroll many people when I'm away from my computer and just using my cell phone. Just print out a couple of the enrollment forms and keep them with you. You can fill them out manually and the next time you're at your computer you can type in the application and submit it to Ameriplan®.
Q) Is the Ameriplan® business available in all the states?
A) Currently we do not do business in Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Peerto Rico, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.
Q) Am I required to take out my own taxes or does the company do that?
A) Your earnings are reported on the governments 1099 form. If you've ever heard people say that a home based business is a great way to save money on taxes, they were right. For more information click here

Q) Am I allowed to recruit any of my family as business owners?
A) Sure. You can recruit them as members for the discount programs as well.
Q) Why do I have to pay to work for Ameriplan®? 

A) You should never pay someone to work for them. If you're talking about a "job" over the Internet you should never pay anyone - otherwise it is a scam.

I can't think of any home-based business that does not have start up costs involved. A "business" is different then a "job" on the Internet. Here are the differences:

1) You are not paid on a W2 form because you are not an employee. You are paid on the 1099 form as an independent contractor. The 1099 form allows you to save a lot of on your taxes through itemizing your business expenses.

2) You actually own the business. You can will it to your spouse or your children. It's something that you actually own.

3) I think of it this way: If you wanted to open up a bakery in your town you'd have certain costs associated with that business. You'd have no 'name' established for yourself, you'd have to probably use some sort of software to maintain your 'backoffice' so you can keep track of employees, and you might even buy server space so you can host a website for your business. All of these expenses add up. If you wanted to open up a McDonalds (or some other franchise that has a 'name' associated with it) you'd pay thousands of dollars in franchise fees a year. With Ameriplan® you get your websites, training, a paperless office because Ameriplan® takes care of all of that for you, and the day you start your business is 18 years old, holds an "A" rating with the BBB, registered with the Direct Sellers Association, US Chamber of Commerce, the American Association of Dental Plans and has a 'name' for itself. All of this is handled for you.

Q) How much does it cost to do this business?

A) You need to pay the $19.95 annual fee. To initiate your paycheck you do have to have one of our "Platinum Plus" memberships on the books. We have 3 levels to choose from.
You have three options to choose from:
~ Level One $50 per month broker fee - This level will give you 40% upfront pay, PLUS 20% monthly residual commission, PLUS all the benefits of the Platinum Plus Membership which includes:  Dental, Vision, Prescription Drugs, Chiropractic, ID Theft Prevention & Resolution, National Child ID, Financial Services, Emergency Roadside Assistance, Legal Services, Recreation, Automotive, Shopping, Business Services and Dining for your entire household.  PLUS you get full unlimited training, marketing websites, materials and huge tax advantages.
~ Level Two $75 per month broker fee - This level will give you 60% upfront pay, PLUS 30% monthly residual commission, PLUS all the benefits of the Total Platinum Membership which includes:  Physicians, Hospital Advocacy, AmeriDoc Telemedicine, Dental, Vision, Prescription Drugs, Chiropractic, ID Theft Prevention & Resolution, National Child ID, Financial Services, Emergency Roadside Assistance, Legal Services, Recreation, Automotive, Shopping, Business Services and Dining for your entire household.  PLUS you get full unlimited training, marketing websites, materials and huge tax advantages.
~ Level Three $150 per month broker fee September Promotion!!! $75 for 12 months PLUS Registration is Completely Waived! This level will give you 80% upfront pay, PLUS 40% monthly residual commission, PLUS all the benefits of the Platinum FreedomPass Membership which includes: Physicians, Hospital Advocacy, Telemedicine, Dental, Vision, Prescription Drugs, Chiropractic, ID Theft Prevention & Resolution, National Child ID, Financial Services, Emergency Roadside Assistance, Legal Services, Recreation, Movies, Golf Resorts, Travel, Cruises, Hotel & Condo Rentals, Automotive, Car Rentals, Shopping, Business Services and Dining for your entire household.  PLUS you get full unlimited training, marketing websites, materials and huge tax advantages.
No matter which option you choose, you will have the potential to earn an INCREDIBLE INCOME right from the comfort of your home, and also receive a FANTASTIC Benefit Package for you and your entire household!!!
Q) How do you advertise?
A) We cover this in our training calls. It all depends on how you want to advertise. You can do it locally or on a national level. I do mine on a national level using the internet. Some people use the free lead resources we have available.
Q) How are the membership fees paid?
A) You can either have the fees drafted from a credit/debit card or from a checking/savings account. Once you start receiving paychecks Ameriplan® will deduct the fee from you paycheck and you'll never see the fee again. Ameriplan® drafts the fee on either the 3rd or the 18th of every month. Your draft date depends on when you join.
Q) I'm not very good with a computer. How do I setup my websites?
A) It's very straight forward. The website is already designed. You only have to supply a name for your website. I can help you with the computer no problem.

Q) Are there quotas to be a business owner? What if I want to go on vacation for a month?
A) It's your business and you are the boss. There are no quotas so you can take a nice long vacation without worry. Actually this is YOUR business. It's willable when you pass away. It's nice to think that if your family is relying on your income and (God forbid) something happens, then they will still get that income. This is also a great retirement program.
Q) How do we do taxes?
A) You will receive a 1099 form from Ameriplan®. You'll want to keep all of your receipts over the year - and I mean EVERY receipt! The nice thing about a home based business is that you can write off so much. Office supplies, your ISP, gas mileage (if I have to mail something at the post office I do all my errands around that and then I can write off all the mileage :- ), long distance, cell phone, etc. So, if you make $50,000 this year in your business and you receipts total $5,000 you have a gain of $45,000 and that is what you pay taxes on. You only have to pay federal and state taxes. It's treated as "additional income" like the interest on your savings account is.In addition to the benefit of generating an income from the comfort of your home, you also receive huge tax deductions.
As an Independent Contractor, you will receive a HUGE tax deduction. You will be able  to write off your monthly Broker Fee (Level 1, 2 or 3 whichever you choose), a portion of your mortgage or rent, our electric, phone, computer, Internet, gas and more. Any additonal overhead expenses like paper, pens, ink, or business cards are also a write off.
You will be AMAZED at the savings you will receive!!
Q) Are there costs to advertising?
A) We teach you how to do free advertising.
Free: You can download fliers for church bulletin boards; word of mouth; talking to people you already know; free neighborhood newsletters; free places online to advertise; getting free leads from advertising agencies; ....the list goes on.
We encourage you to advertise for free until your business is paying for itself.
My business was paying for itself within the first month. I reinvested back into it and it paid off.

Q) What is the average amount of money a person earns while working about 10 hrs a week?
A) It always varies. If you consistently do 10 hours a week and it's really work (i.e. making contacts talking about Ameriplan® and enrolling people) our part time brokers earn about $200-$300 a week.
Q) Does the work come consistently or is it just here and there and you are lucky if you get enough work to get paid? 
A) If you are consistently advertising you will consistently have people to talk to. 

Q) What exactly do you do with this company?
A) You contact people who have requested info about either the benefits or the brokership. I personally do the brokership enrollments. We send out emails to these people, we call them, we go online and we enroll them. Ameriplan® services the customers for us. For the brokers we enroll we make sure they are aware of the training calls and we answer their questions for them.
Q) Can you give me some examples of the type of work you do daily and what the compensation is?
A) People will be contacting you wanting more information through your advertising campaigns. I have no background in marketing and I'm doing very well with the company. We train you how to advertise. You can either do a local campaign or a national one. You can advertise for yourself, or you can have someone advertise for you. Advertising may involve a budget. I started out with $0 for my budget each month for advertising and now, since my business is paying for it, I pay for advertising.

On a daily basis I reply to the requests by sending out emails and also by calling them. About 90% of my business is all done on the computer. View our Commission at
Q) What are the requirements to get started?
A) You have to be committed to working a home business. I'm looking for serious people who can work a good 10 hours a week. You have to call and listen to the "New IBO" training call that is about 1 hour long - you do this from your home. You will need internet connection and long distance.
Q) I have been looking for a job I could do from home since I have a 3 month old and would love to stay home with her. Any information you could give me would be appreciated.
A) We have a lot of stay-at-home mothers on this team. When the baby is napping you could easily call 5 people for 1 minute each and send out a couple of emails. Total time would be 20 minutes maybe. Then during the day you can call the people you've already sent emails too. The nice thing with this company is that you do not need to set aside a huge block of time - 20 minutes here, 10 minutes there, etc ... really does pay off well.
Q) Are there any guarantees?
A) We can not guarantee that you will be successful in this business.
If you consistently work this business 10-15 hours a week and follow the guidelines from our training and have a strong reason why you want it to work, you should be successful.
Q) I took a look at the health providers in my area. Since there are not many providers here, would I still be able to do this business? (
A) We do add health providers to our list all the time. There are a lot of remote areas with providers. However, if there are not many providers in your area perhaps a "national business" using the internet would work better than a "local business" I advertise on-line exclusively since my town has a limited provider base. You could also just focus on being a recruiter for the company instead of working benefit memberships.
A) If there are not a lot of health providers in your area you may want to focus on our non-health related programs. Also Rememer Ameridoc and Hospital Advocacy can be used anywhere.  
Q) I'm ready to get started. Now what?
A) You can either call me and I can enroll you over the phone in just 5 minutes, or you can go to my website . You will need either a credit/debit card or a checking/savings account to get started.

Q) Once I enroll what happens?
A) Your application will be sent to our corporate headquarters in Dallas, Texas for processing. It can take 24 hours to process your application form. immediately after you enroll you will receive a 'Welcome' email from me with detailed instructions. If you purchased the optional broker kit, it will arrive within 4-6 business days. You do not need to wait until receiving your kit before getting to work. You can start working immediately!
Please contact me with any further questions you may have.
As always I am here for your success ~
National Sales Director
Call Me@ Home 815-582-4759, Cell 815-341-2151 Text me with Questions :-)
Email Me@

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy First Week of Fall 2013 ~ Are You Prepared for the Holidays?

Happy First Week of Fall 2013
           From Our House to Yours !!!

Exclusive Fall Savings!
As I sit here reflecting on this First week of Fall 2013, I remember where I was this time a 9 years ago.  I had just started AmeriPlan and found the career I loved helping people change their lives.  My business quickly grew and I not only gained hundreds of clients but hundreds of good friends as well.

As the Holidays hit, I was so grateful I was working from home.  I was making a great income each month, allowing me to give my family special Holiday treats I was never able to before; while enjoying quality time with them every day.

That is why I reach out to you today.  Are you ready for a life change? Are you ready to spend quality time with your family every day? Are you ready for extra income to give your family special treats during the season? Do you have year ending bills you need to pay off? 
That is the beauty of this SEPTEMBER PROMOTION.

During the month of September, AmeriPlan has the top pay level qualifying plan, The Platinum Freedom Pass, on promotion at 50% off normal price ~ Enroll as an IBO today for only $75.00 flat, locked in for one year, with the yearly IBO fee of $19.95 waived the first year.

That's right save $94.95 the first month and $75.00 each month there after; a total savings of $919.95 for the year. 

Not only will you enroll at a fantastic top dollar earnings, but you will gain the complete discount Healthcare for your entire household; you will receive all the business tools you need to work you own business; you will receive discounts to Retailers, Restaurants, Computers, Wireless, Travel Package, Entertainment, Grocery Coupon Program, Gift Cards; Roadside Assistance, Legal Assistance, Financial Assistance; it is a WIN-WIN decision.

Contact me today, 815-341-2151.  Let me answer all of your questions about this promotion and get you started on your new career and life.  Start making that needed income you need immediately.
For more information about the opportunity go to
Remember this promotion ends at
5:00PM CST on 10/7/2013

Amy Jacobs
National Trainer/Benefits Specialist

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ameriplan® Overview


Ameriplan® is the number one savings and protection plan company in the United States. We’ve been in business for 20 years. We have the hottest savings and protection plans available in the United States today with virtually no competition. Our plans include things like Medical, Dental, Vision, Roadside Assistance, Free Legal Services, Identity Theft Protection, Credit Repair, Debt Relief, savings up to 50% or more on dining, shopping, entertainment and automotive care and SO MUCH MORE! Our company has literally revolutionized the industry by making a fantastic and affordable plan available to everyone living in the United States.
The most important thing for most when choosing a company to work with is that the company needs to be not only legitimate but also credible, trustworthy and well known on a NATIONAL level. We hope that is a top priority for you as well. As far as our national credentials, Ameriplan® has the highest rating possible with the US Chamber of Commerce, Ameriplan® has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau, and we are also members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the Consumer Health Alliance. Our company has been recognized and featured in publications such as “The New York Times”, "US News and World Report", "", “Time Magazine”, “Parent Magazine” and even on "Good Morning America". The American Pregnancy Association has Ameriplan® on their website and encourages pregnant women to use Ameriplan® for their medical needs. Most importantly, we are partnered with the FBI. Most people are able to determine quickly that Ameriplan® is a solid legitimate company amidst all of the unfortunate scams out there; however, our partnership with the FBI and Ameriplan's "A+" rating with the BBB certainly does solidify that. So as you can see we are very well known and respected on a national level.
When you work with Ameriplan® you are an independent rep so it’s not a job, it’s not working for someone else. You are your own boss, you make your own hours and you can work either FT or PT. We even receive family benefits and direct deposit. Even though you are your own boss, you are not working alone. We work together as a part of a team so you will meet other people immediately when you start working and they will help train you. You will be working alongside these other reps on a daily basis and you will have home phone numbers of other reps your very first day with the company! You will always have plenty of people to turn to for help and support.

To get additional Free information visit